Discord Rules

Rule 100.1 - Be Respectful

Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Harassment, hate speech, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Remember that we have members from diverse backgrounds.

Rule 100.2 - No Discrimination

Do not discriminate against anyone based on their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other personal characteristics. We value inclusivity and diversity.

Rule 100.3 - Keep Language Appropriate

Use appropriate language and avoid excessive profanity. This helps maintain a welcoming atmosphere for newcomers and various backgrounds.

Rule 100.4 - No NSFW Content

Do not share or discuss explicit, adult, or NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content. This includes images, videos, links, and text.

Rule 100.5 - Respect Privacy

Do not share personal information about yourself or others without consent. This includes contact details, addresses, and private conversations.

Rule 100.6 - No Trolling or Baiting

Do not engage in trolling, baiting, or deliberately provoking others. Healthy debates are fine, but stay respectful.

Rule 100.7 - Follow Discord's TOS

Follow Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines in addition to our server rules.

Rule 100.8 - No Impersonation

Do not impersonate other members, moderators, or individuals. This includes using similar usernames or profile pictures.

Rule 100.9 - No Advertising

Do not promote external products, services, or servers at all, no exceptions.

Rule 101.1 - No Account Trading or Sharing

Do not share or trade accounts, as this can lead to security risks and account comptonizations.

Last updated