Vangelico Heist

Looking to get your lady or man some ice but you don't have the change? Steal it!

Vangelico is the biggest jewelry retailer in San Andreas. They get thousands of orders from loving husbands, wives, and they're even trusted by pimps to get the job done right! Vangelico holds the largest amount of diamonds and other assorted jewelry in the entire state. Looking to get your name on the map? This is the place to hit!

No special actions are required to start the Vangelico Jewelry Heist. Be warned though, this is no easy feat, bring your a-game!

Vangelico's is locked down tight! It never seems to be open at the right time to hit it. Try cutting the power to the store to see if you can get in while they're closed!

Please do not ask for anymore information about this heist outside of character. Please refer to the FOIC page for more information on this topic.

Last updated