General Rules & Policies

Rule 200.1 - Whitelist by Staff Only

Whitelist status in this Discord server is strictly by application. Unauthorized attempts to join without whitelist will result in removal.

Rule 200.2 - Quality Over Quantity

Contribute meaningful and thoughtful discussions. Avoid low-effort or spammy content to maintain the quality of interactions.

Rule 200.3 - Stay on Topic

Keep conversations relevant to the channels they are in. Off-topic discussions can be disruptive and make it harder for others to follow.

Rule 200.4 - Constructive Criticism Only

If providing feedback or criticism, ensure it is constructive and respectful. Personal attacks or unnecessary negativity are not allowed, but also, don't be a snowflake...

Rule 200.5 - Zero Tolerance for Drama

Engaging in drama, arguments, or conflicts will result in immediate removal. Disagreements should be handled maturely and privately if necessary.

Rule 200.6 - Regular Activity

Members are encouraged to be active participants. Inactive members may be removed to make room for new blood.

Rule 200.7 - No Multi-Accounting

Each member is allowed only one account. Multiple accounts will be removed as well as the original account.

Rule 200.8 - Maintain a Positive Atmosphere

Contribute to creating a positive and friendly atmosphere that reflects the exclusivity and trust within the community.

Rule 200.9 - Channel Relevance

Post content in the appropriate channels. Off-topic discussions should go in the designated channels.

Rule 201.1 - Thread Hijacking

Do not disrupt ongoing discussions or "hijack" threads with unrelated content.

Rule 201.2 - Double Posting

Avoid posting the same content multiple times in different channels.

Rule 201.3 - Staff Decisions

Follow the instructions of moderators and administrators. Their decisions are final.

Rule 201.4 - Voice Chat Etiquette

Use voice channels responsibly, and avoid shouting, screaming, or disruptive noises.

Rule 201.5 - Names and Profile Pictures

Use a respectful and appropriate nickname and avatar. Inflammatory, offensive, or impersonating identities is restricted.

Rule 201.6 - Bot Usage

Do not misuse bots for disruptive purposes, use commands in designated bot channels only.

Rule 201.7 - Rule Change Notice

Rules in the Promethean Roleplay Discord and FiveM server are subject to change at any time, without notice. It is up to the attendants of this Discord and FiveM to remain informed.

Rule 201.8 - Equal Opportunity

Nothing in Promethean Roleplay can be RMT'd (real money transaction) that will give players a competitive advantage. Players found to be transferring money to other player(s) in exchange for real life items of monetary value will be banned along with the receiving party. Nothing of this sort will be tolerated and should be reported to the staff team if found.

Last updated