Finding Out in Character

"Find Out In Character" or FOIC simply means certain aspects and features of the server you need to find out on your own and in-character. No one from the community should be providing any FOIC information outside of in-game and in-character as it could be considered meta-gaming and therefore against the rules. Here are some of the things that you should be "Finding Out in Character":

  • What Items are needed and how to acquire said items for Robberies (bank, store, jewelry, etc) or any other illegal activities.

  • Locations for drug dealers, drug manufacturing, black market or money laundering.

  • Locations of other players.

There may be instances of certain things being disabled / enabled / altered by the development team. In which case their will be no announcement for said change to something that is considered "Find Out in Character". The only way an announcement will be made about a change regarding something of this nature is if the content is changed but locations will always be kept secret.

CONTENT CREATOR NOTICE: We are not going to pester you about hiding a screen or doing anything 'extra' in an attempt to keep the public from knowing where the location is. Instead, all that we ask is that you minimize your time at these locations and not purposely put the locations 'on-blast' on your stream.

Last updated