Fleeca Heists

Small game, big prizes!

Fleeca Bank, the chain restaurant of banks in San Andreas. Fleeca Banks or known for there availability but also there frequency of being robbed! With that being said, they keep a trivial amount of money inside each secured location that may be worth taking a stab at.

Fleeca Bank is one of the weird heists when it comes to starting them. To initiate the robbery you must first enter the lobby of one of the banks and discharge a weapon 1 - 5 times, from there the game will register the heist as "in-progress". You will receive no on-screen notification of the heist starting but you will now be able to start working your way to the secure area of the bank.

These banks are glass in the front. Make sure you bring some friends or some hostages to help you better communicate with law enforcement.

Please do not ask for anymore information about this heist outside of character. Please refer to the FOIC page for more information on this topic.

Last updated