Vehicle Rental

Vehicle rentals will allow new players to traverse the map upon initial entry into the city. No more running around at the start of your journey!

Where to Find Them:

To locate a vehicle rental facility, open your map and look for the green car icon. These locations are around the map and easily accessible.

The location in the picture above is right across from the first spawn point at Los Santos International Airport. For a players first time in the city it is highly recommended that you rent a vehicle to start your journey.

What Happens When you Rent a Vehicle?

When you first rent a vehicle you will receive vehicle keys and rental papers. The keys allow you to turn the car off, on, and lock it. Do not lose you keys, you will be forced to hotwire your car if you lose them. The rental papers you receive will have your character data on them, the papers should be presented to the police should you get pulled over.

I am Ready to Return my Rental Vehicle

Awesome, your progressing great! When you are ready to return your rental vehicle you will walk up to any vehicle rental location and 3rd-eye the salesmen and click the right option (return vehicle). The vehicle must be near the salesmen and upon returning the car he will take your rental papers from you return half of the initial rent price. Your papers are required to return the vehicle so if you want half of the price back make sure you don't lose them!

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