Impounding Vehicles

For impounding a vehicle after an arrest, first, search the vehicle and take any contraband, if there is any take it with you. Then do the command /iv this will bring up the impounding menu. The impound menu will look something like this:

The first line will auto-populate with the vehicle plate you are impounding. Make sure it is correct before you impound the vehicle.

The second line is the reason you are impounding the vehicle, you are required to fill in this field (per all department policies). Some reasons for impounding a vehicle are: improper parking, arrest related, etc.

Going down the line, there is a box that states "Retrievable By Owner" make sure you check this box. This will ensure that the owner of the vehicle can get the vehicle back themselves instead of an officer having to release the vehicle. Some situations will warrant you not checking the box for the owner to retrieve the car you are impounding, some of these situations would include: a suspect got away in a chase and left there vehicle (a warrant should also be issued). In almost all of the cases of not checking the retrievable box, it should be assumed that the vehicle is owned by a suspect that has outstanding wants or warrants.

The second to last box is the impound time. This is the amount of time the owner of the vehicle will have to wait before the vehicle can be taken out of the impound lot. The max time a vehicle should be held in impound and retrievable by owner is 24 hours / 1 day. If the suspect is a DUI offender please refer to the table below:

The last box is the cost amount for people to get there vehicles back from the impound lot. Please refer to the table below when impounding a vehicle:

If you come across something that is not on this list please use discretion. Do not go overkill, and remember, the max fine amount you can issue regardless of the situation is $5000, and the max time you can impound a vehicle for is 24 hours.

Last updated