
After you have secured your suspect in the containment cells within your assigned facility, you can now send them off to jail. Before you send them to jail make sure you are only removing ILLEGAL items from there pockets, the jail will temporarily hold the rest until the persons release.

  1. First you want to gather the total time you want to send your suspect to jail. When you are creating a report in CAD it will automatically give you a jail time for each charge. Usually you will add these up and that will be your total time to send them to jail for. (Like stated previously, the time you are allowed to send someone to jail for may vary by department).

  2. Type in the command /jailcp to open the jailing menu.

  3. Once in the menu, click the add sentence button in the top right and select your suspect.

  4. You will then input the time (in minutes, and gathered from your CAD report) in the time section.

  5. You must then choose between "Community Service" or "Jail". More than 90% of the time you are going to choose "Jail".

  6. Once you click complete you are done!

You are REQUIRED to remove the handcuffs off of your suspect before sending them to jail. If you do not, they will be in jail with handcuffs that they are unable to remove.

Last updated