Making An Arrest

To officially arrest someone you must first detain them by placing them in handcuffs or zipties. When a player is in handcuffs it will restrict movement. When a player is in zipties it will not restrict movement. To remove a players handcuffs you must use the "Cuff Keys" given to you in your inventory when you initially cuffed a player. To remove zipties, you must use the "Flush Cutters" which you can find in your armory.

Civilians can remove others players cuffs or zipties with the same or similar tools found in game so be cautious with your suspect and stay by there side!

Once you have secured your suspect you must then search them, to do this you must open your radial menu using F3 (default keybind) then navigating to Work > Police Actions > Search you will now be searching your suspect and should remove any illegal items and place them in a secure location.

To move your suspect they must be detained, meaning they must be cuffed or ziptied. If they are you press F3 to open your radial menu then navigate to Citizen > Interaction > Escort. To place someone in a vehicle it is similar, Citizen > Interaction > Place in Vehicle / Take Out of Vehicle. We recommend that you stop escorting the player before placing them into a vehicle, but make sure they are close enough to the vehicle to place them into it. Otherwise you may get stuck in the escort emote but that can be canceled by typing in the command /e c.

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