All Medical Items

These are the items that are associated with Promethean Roleplay's medical script. These items are independent of the base qb-core medical system and only function with the descriptive player medical script.

Disclosure: Nothing on this page is official medical device and shouldn't be applied in a real world scenario. If you are having a medical emergency please dial 911 and seek help from a licensed medical official.



Morphine is a pain-suppressant that stays in a patient's system for a very long time (30 minutes) and reaches maximum effect after 30 seconds. Morphine also lowers the patient's heart rate by up to -35 BPM. Due to these factors, morphine should be avoided when possible as they may cause complications in the case of future injuries. Only administer morphine if the patient is unable to fight with their current level of pain.


Epinephrine is an alternate word for adrenaline and is used to raise a patient's pulse, often in response to morphine overdoses. Epinephrine also increases the spontaneous wake-up chance. Epinephrine raises the patient's pulse by upwards of +50 BPM over a period of 10 seconds and stays in the system for 2 minutes.


Fentanyl is also pain-suppressant that stays in a patient's system for a very long time (30 minutes) and reaches maximum effect after 30 seconds. Only administer fentanyl if the patient is unable to fight with their current level of pain.

Blood 100 - 1000

A transferable bag of blood that can be administered to a patient with blood loss. (Blood type is not considered when being administered).


A plastic/rubber enclosure used to proper secure and seal a body for further inspection or transportation.


A defibrillator is a medical device that applies an electric charge or current to the heart to restore a normal heartbeat. It works by delivering a shock to the heart to help restore a normal heart rhythm in cases of cardiac arrest or arrhythmia.

ECG Monitor

A defibrillator is a medical device that applies an electric charge or current to the heart to restore a normal heartbeat. It works by delivering a shock to the heart to help restore a normal heart rhythm in cases of cardiac arrest or arrhythmia.

Elastic Bandage

Elastic bandages can treat any wound in just one bandage but have a much higher re-opening chance and shorter reopening delay compared to other bandages.

E-Revive Kit

The Emergency revive kit serves only one purpose, reset a patient's status entirely. Regardless of what is wrong with them, a ERK will reset all conditions to default.

Field Dressing

Field dressing is average treatment, a jack of all trades, master of none.

Packing Bandage

Packing bandages have a higher re-opening chance than field dressings, but a longer reopening delay than other forms of treatment.

Propofol 100 / 250

Propofol is a sedative-hypnotic agent used for the induction and maintenance of anesthesia or sedation. It is a strong anesthetic that induces a deep level of sleep and sedation, making it suitable for use in surgical procedures, medical exams, and for sedation of patients on ventilators.


Quick Clot is a clotting agent that promotes the body's natural clotting process. It is a lot less effective than the other types of bandages, but have a significantly lower chance of reopening, and if they do re-open, they take a long time to do so.

Surgical Kit

The surgical kit is part of the medic's specialized equipment and is used to stitch together bandaged wounds to remove the possibility of them reopening.


A tourniquet is a device used to control bleeding by applying pressure to a blood vessel, typically an artery or vein. It allows for pressure to be applied to the arm or leg so that venous blood returning to the heart can be slowed down. As a result, the blood vessel walls become temporarily occluded, and the veins distend due to the pooling of blood. This makes the veins more visible and easier to palpate.

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